The Lowfi Dojo Returns!

After almost a full year without releasing anything remotely related to music, The Lowfi Dojo head Djablo returns with not one but two new tracks. Jazzpunk is a wild ride into the deeper jazzy vibes the man has always been very fond of. Exodust is astro travelling Djablo style. Enjoy. Btw all tracks where made with only an iPhone and the apps iMPC and Garageband. Djablo was on vacation and in the middle of a long musical hiatus without his beloved SP404. Guess beats finds a way. Boom.

Pomona Dream - Gladdic Wox Official video!

The two of our members that form the super great duo Pomona Dream has just released an official music video to the track "Gladdic Wox".

It's released on Earmilk, the link to that post is right here:

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About us
We are a collective of swedish beat makers, graphical artists, hybrid creatives that have come together for a greater purpose. We are MoveCutClone and you are very welcome friend.